The Logic of Vaccine mandates
Posted by Dr. Yan Lyansky on 24th Nov 2021
I understand vaccines are a politicized topic. I am generally extremely liberal on all topics, but I agree with my conservative friends on the vaccine. Let's analyze the information:
1. Drug companies do all safety testing. They also make profit on the sale. Hence this is a conflict of interest. Long term risks will undoubtedly be ignored in the interests of profits. Please recall the housing crisis when banks compromised their own viability chasing after short term profits.
2. The virus has continued to spread by mutating in such a way to avoid the vaccine. The vaccine has not changed, long term the vaccine can not work against a mutating virus, unless the vaccine mutates at the same rate. The current case count in the USA imply the vaccine does not work....if it worked case counts would be getting lower by the day. In actuality they creating initial conditions for another winter surge.
3. The media has claimed that hospitalizations are lower for vaccinated people. Antidotal evidence is used....hence we could make the opposite conclusion by cherry picking data for different areas. A hypothesis test can be carried out to prove the benefits of the vaccine, however I have not seen I am doubtful. Additionally, it seems dubious to encourage the use of a vaccine that does not work as intended against a virus. Who exactly decided that it is better for hospitalizations? Is it the same people that claim it works against Covid-19?
The CDC has a questionable track record with vaccine testing. I taught about the Salk polio vaccine, and the trial was compromised in multiple ways. I am personally more concerned about the unknown with regards to the vaccine, as opposed to the known Covid-19 risk. I expect to get vaccinated in Dec/Jan for a faculty teaching position.